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Monitor Linux/Windows VM and applications

The configuration of the monitoring for Linux/Windows virtual machines and applications is implemented using fully automated GitOps workflows. You can access those workflows in your administration environment.


In this tutorial, please replace the following values:

  • ZONE_NAME with the name of the administrative zone (it starts with ocb-).
  • CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT with the name of the customer environment where virtual machine is located


To monitor a virtual machine (VM) located in one of your customer environments, you have to:

  • install system or application(s) specific Prometheus exporter(s) on this VM

  • declare Prometheus exporters informations in corresponding Git repository in your administration environment

Internal Caascad CI/CD pipelines will validate syntactically exporters informations, create and deploy automatically all necessary Prometheus scrapping configurations.


Ensure that network connectivity exists between Kubernetes® cluster and VM to monitor and it is possible to establish a connection between Prometheus that is running inside the cluster and VM exporter network port.

Install Prometheus exporters

According to your monitoring requirements, you can deploy any Prometheus exporter.

There is a wide variety of official and third-party exporters available, so check this list to see if one of them meets your needs.

Here are some installation examples of operating system specific Prometheus exporter:

GitOps Workflow

Follow GitOps workflow documentation with feature_name=monitoring-vm

Several actions are possible:

  • add/modify informations about the VM(s) which must be monitored
  • add/modify informations about exporter(s) used to monitor VMs applications
  • remove monitored VM informations
  • remove monitored exporter information


This section describes all possible configuration values ​​to be specified in Git repository.

Values format


exporters section contains informations about exporters deployed on the VMs from which Prometheus will scrape the metrics.

Field Description Scheme Required
name Name of exporter string: must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character true
port Port the exporter metrics is exposed on int : between 1024 and 65535 true
interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped string : must consist of numbers and must end with s true
path HTTP path to scrape for metrics string : must start with / true
relabelings Add, modify metrics labels []*RelabelConfig false
addresses Addresses specifies the VMs for which Prometheus will scrap the metrics addresses true

Addresses section contains informations about the VM itself.

Field Description Scheme Required
hostname VM's name. Useful to differentiate from which VM the metrics come. string : must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character true
ip VM's private IP. IPs must be private. string true


  - name: node-exporter # OS metrics exporter for Linux
    port: 9100
    interval: 15s
    path: /metrics
      - replacement: demo_vm_node_exporter
        targetLabel: demo_label
      - hostname: vm-linux-1
      - hostname: vm-linux-2
  - name: windows-exporter # OS metrics exporter for Windows
    port: 9182
    interval: 30s
    path: /metrics
      - hostname: vm-windows-3
      - hostname: vm-windows-4

In this example, four VMs are monitored:

  • VM 1: ip

  • VM 2 : ip

  • VM 3 : ip

  • VM 4 : ip

For the first two VMs, the installed exporter is node_exporter.

For the last two VMs, it's windows_exporter.

Example of metrics retrieved for the last two VMs:

windows_cpu_processor_performance{cc_client="ocb-demo", cc_prom="cloud-app", cc_prom_source="janeway", cc_vm_source="vm-windows-3", core="0,0", endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="caascad-windows-exporter", namespace="caascad-monitoring-vm", prometheus="monitoring-app/app-prometheus", service="caascad-windows-exporter"} 2168316033206
windows_cpu_processor_performance{cc_client="ocb-demo", cc_prom="cloud-app", cc_prom_source="janeway", cc_vm_source="vm-windows-4", core="0,0", endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="caascad-windows-exporter", namespace="caascad-monitoring-vm", prometheus="monitoring-app/app-prometheus", service="caascad-windows-exporter"} 2060335251087

The important labels are:

  • cc_prom_source: identifies customer environment.

  • cc_vm_source: identifies monitored VM. The value of this label is equal to the value of hostname in the configuration file.

  • instance: ip address of the VM with the port of exporter.

  • job: the value of this label is equal to caascad-name where name is the value of name in the configuration file.

You can add your own labels in relabelings section.


If the deployment went well, but metrics are not visible in Grafana, you can check Prometheus target status:

  • connect to customer environment

  • do a port-forward on Prometheus

    kubectl port-forward -n caascad-monitoring svc/caascad-prometheus 9090:9090 &
  • go to this URL


  • check the error message

Connectivity issues:

Bad path:

  • If there are connectivity problems, check the private IP of the VM and the security group ...


It is possible to create PrometheusRules to alert when metrics are no longer scrapped by Prometheus.

Go to:

And follow the to add an alert:

 - alert: MonitoringVMDown
      description: monitoring vm is down
      message: '{{ $value }}% of the {{ $labels.cc_vm_source }} targets are down.'
    expr: 100 * (count(up{cc_vm_source!=""} == 0) BY (cc_prom_source, cc_vm_source, job, namespace, service) /
          count(up{cc_vm_source!=""}) BY (cc_prom_source, cc_vm_source, job, namespace, service)) > 10
    for: 10m
      severity: warning

When there is a problem with the VM, an alert will be raised:

Grafana Optionals dashboards

To visualise system metrics for Linux or Windows hosts, some predefined Grafana dashboards can be enabled in your customer administration environment.

This is the list of the optional dashboards maintained by Caascad team:

Dashboard Name Description Optional Feature Required
linux-node-exporter A dashboard to monitor VMs running on Linux
  • monitoring-vm
  • grafana-dashboards
windows-node-exporter A dashboard to monitoring VM running on Windows
  • monitoring-vm
  • grafana-dashboards

GitOps Workflow

Follow GitOps workflow documentation with feature_name=grafana-dashboards

Several actions are possible:

  • add optional dashboard to Grafana
  • remove optional dashboard from Grafana


This section describes all possible configuration values to be specified in files in your Caascad Git repositories.

Values format
Grafana Dashboards

grafana-dashboards section contains informations about the Grafana dashboards that will be deployed on the Grafana application of your zone.

Field Description Scheme Required
<dashboard_name> Name of the dashboard string true
<dashboard_name>.enabled Enable/disable dashboard boolean true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true

In this example, the dashboards linux-node-exporter and windows-node-exporter will be installed.