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Git Cheat Sheet

This page contains a list of commonly used git commands and flags.

Basic command

Creation of a new local repo

 git init

User and email configuration

 git config --global

Adding modified files for the next commit

 git add 'file-name' or '.' for all file

Create a commit

 git commit -m 'Your message'

Information on the status of the current branch

 git status

View file changes

 git diff

Publish local changes to the git server

 git push origin master

List the local branches

 git branch 

List the server branches (remote)

 git branch -r

List the local and server branches (all)

 git branch -a

Tilt of branch

 git checkout 'Branch-name'

Create a branche

 git checkout -b 'NAME'

Delete a branch (delete)

 git branch -d 'name'

To merge all the modifications present on the remote repository into the local working directory (to be used before pushing the local modifications to avoid conflicts if another person has made modifications)

 git pull
merge is used to merge a branch into the active branch
 git merge 'branch-name'

You can find above a list of basic commands to use git but there are many more options depending on your needs. Here are some websites to learn more :